Are you seeking some music as a source of relief from a stress filled mind. Or maybe you are looking for some relaxing music to send you to sleep or simply to have as background music to chill to whilst you contemplate life's rich tapestry of wonders, miracles and magic. Then why not tune in to the Sleeping Forecast on BBC sounds. I had one of my pieces 'Sweet Dreaming' played on the programme last month and they have a host of other lovely music by an array of composers. I also had 'Day Dreaming played on BBC Three Counties Radio, which is the first track that is featured on my album 'Sea of Serenity' #BBCsleepingforecast #BBCthreecountiesradio #solopianomusic #relaxingsolopianomusic #relaxingpianomusicforstressrelief #Seaofserenity #nickiehartmusc
